A question that comes from many of our potential clients is one of distribution. That is, how do we distribute books on behalf of our clients?
We have numerous options.
For instance, in Australia we have a distributor who distribute books for us. However, there is no guarantee that any book store will take your book on (as they pick and choose according to their client demographic). But we do our best to present your book in a favourable light to these distributors by creating the necessary marketing material.
We also do our own marketing and promoting to stores in Australia, of which we have around 2000 names, as well as to approximately 500 libraries throughout the country. Each one of these would receive an electronic notification and information sheet about your book.
Whilst talking about libraries, we have recently signed an agreement with a company that promotes ePubs (electronic) books to thousands of libraries around the world..
We have two international companies that we work with, where their sole function is to put books released into the hands of distributors and publishers world-wide for the purpose of ‘rights offerings’ .
A rights offer is where a distributor or publisher in a specific country negotiates for the rights to market and sell the book in their country. Once again, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to secure a rights offer for you but being on both of these platforms is probably the best place to start from.
Additionally, we are currently have relationships with around fourteen publishing houses in China (readership of 600 million). We also have recently started with a distribution company in India (English readership of 400 million). We also use a company in the USA who works with all the large and small book stores in that country. We have representation in New Zealand and South Africa, but both are tiny markets. So we will do our best to act as an agent for you and sell the rights into other countries, or gain distribution.
We also extensively use Lightening Source (our printers, and also international distribution), who have divisions in Australia, several in America, the UK and also Europe. Through their parent company, Ingram Books (the largest book distributor in the world), they have a catalogue that goes out to many thousands of distributors worldwide, and retail outlets. If a distributor, or book store, in a specific country has a need for a book, such as yours, then it is possible that your book will be purchased. Once again though, there is no guarantee how well your book will sell.
LS also service Amazon, so your book can be placed there.
And through the LS facility, we can print and ship to your clients on your behalf anywhere in the world, directly from America to your American clients, or the UK for your UK clients, Australia, and also in Western Europe. This saves time and shipping costs. It also saves you having to outlay on a large stock holding.
However, if you would prefer for your book to be placed directly with Amazon or Kindle Direct Publishing (and not via LS) as a print book we can help you with that.
Your book will also be an ePUB that would be put on Apple’s iPad, Sony reader, Amazon’s Kindle, and all the other major reading devices. We have various companies that we work with.
We are also dabbling with audio books, for that growing demand, however this is expensive.
We are on the biggest retail outlet search databases, namely Nielsens Data, Total Page, Bowker, and via the much enthused about ONYX format. We have developed good in-house metadata skills (a most complex and varying subject) so each of these databases receive optimised and SEO metadata. Therefore, if a book store is looking for your book, they will find it.
We have had good success with advertising and can utalise that knowledge for your book sales.
As I have suggested throughout this page, there are no guarantees when it comes to distribution or promotion. But if we take on your book we do everything right to give your book the best possible chance of success.
For any book there is no “one size fits all”. Each book, and author has different requirements. We can support, advise and facilitate the best fit for you and your book.
If you have any questions on book distribution please feel free to email pat@heartspacepublications.com and we would be very happy to answer them.
When your aim is to self publish through Kindle Publishing, Lulu Publishing or Amazon Publishing, we can help you prepare your manuscript in the knowledge that it is ready for publishing. Perhaps you want to self publish through us, we have many happy authors (see the testimonial page). Or help you get your manuscript ready to submit to other book publishers, such as Penguin, Random House, Allen And Unwin, Llewellyn or PanMacmillion, we can help you every step along the way. But the opportunities for your manuscript will be dependent on a number of factors including; genre, style, quality of writing and topic. No matter what, Writer’s Angel is 100% focused on getting you the biggest return from your investment in writing.
We will assist you to:
- How to get a book published
- How to self publish
- Avoid the pitfalls of self-publishing
- Have your work published in Australia or overseas
- Have your book published online
- Receive an income from your book
- Become an Amazon bestselling author
- Cost-effectively print your books
- Have your book presented at International Book Fairs
- Obtain an ISBN for your book
- Develop a PR and Marketing plan for your book
Relax in the knowledge knowing that we will ensure you have a great manuscript, irrespective of the genre. For a designed program that suits you and your budget, contact Pat for a free twenty minute discussion, where we can understand your aspirations or answer your questions you may have.
E-mail: pat@heartspacepublications.com
Mobile: + 61 450260348
Skype: Pat.Grayson