Q. Is there a minimum print run for you to print my books?
A. No. From one to thousands.
Q. Will it cost me a lot for you to publish my book for me?
A. The way that we try to structure our fee is that your return on investment is usually covered from the sale of the 300 free books that we give you as part of the agreement. The benefit therefore, is that when you use us there is virtually no risk as your costs are covered through your sales. You then make profit on your second print run.
We will always build a quote or estimate for you.
Q. If my book sells well, will the second printing cheaper?
A. Yes it will be. For subsequent print runs we charge you our cost + $2.00 per book. But as we print so many books through our printer we have excellent rates, which means that you will also have excellent rates. But if at any time you think you can get better rates, then you are at liberty to use other printers.
A. We would not take on a support role for you without doing a critique. So yes, we will give you an honest appraisal of your manuscript.
A. We will be honest with you and tell you as it is. We will not publish a book on your behalf if it is not good enough to be accepted with any other publisher. But we can help you improve your writing and the book to get it ready
A. Yes we do. Generally though, the time frame depends on if the manuscript is up to scratch. Once it is, we average a four month turn around time. For urgent books we can reduce that time down to about two months.
A. Our service is one where we will help you get your book ready and professional enough for publishing or self-publishing. We handhold you with all the steps required. Effectively, we are the quality control and guidance of your publishing effort to ensure that you have a quality product.
A. You certainly can. As per the above answer, we will make sure the manuscript is publish ready.
A. You do. With all our undertakings for you, you always own the copyright, irrespective of us publishing for you or no
A. Absolutely. At all times you are in total control as to when and if more books are printed on your behalf or you take your book back again.
A. Yes we do and we register it for you.
A. If you want us to we will do this for you. We will advise you on this once the book is published.
A. You are never tied into a contract with us. Our services to you are a series of incremental steps, such as editing, or cover design. At any stage, and providing our services for those incremental steps have been paid for, you can terminate our services at any time you wish. In addition, all design and layout, et cetera are your property and will be given to you. It is our intention to always offer the best possible service and advice so that you remain with us over the years with subsequent books.
So you know, we have numerous authors who have, through our support, written and bought to us several books.
A. This depends on how much editing the book may require. Once edited, our average publish time is four months. This is dependent though on our interactive and progressive steps with the cover design and internal layout.
Once your manuscript has been certified by us as being ready: – and providing the cover design choice is acceptable to us both – as well as the layout design we can have the proof ready within two to three weeks. But this depends if the book is colour or black and white. Once you accept the proof it will take another two or three weeks for you to have your copies.
A. We can print just one copy of your book for you or 10,000. But of course the price will be different for each copy, depending on the volume.
A. The quality of the entire project is imperative, and so yes we do. However, there are times when you may need to do rewrites and resubmit to us several times to ensure that your writing quality is of an acceptable standard. We advise you about your writing through the edits and advise accordingly. We also have a separate proof reader who will also go through the work.
We guarantee that your finished manuscript is better than 99.5% clean.
A. Yes. We have some clients who only use us for two or three aspects of the twenty or so that are required to take a rough manuscript through to a distributed book. Other clients use us for all of those twenty aspects. Therefore, we hand-hold as required.
A. We want you to be involved in as much of the process as possible for each and every step, and would require you to accept the proofs before printing.
We recognise that many of our authors know their book better than we do and so use that expertise. Equally so, many of our clients have great creativity and so we use that ability in the creative side of the production; namely the cover design and internal layout.
A. We can help you produce your book as an audio and are able to offer constructive advice on this.
A. We have the saying, “write it once, sell it many ways. So absolutely we help you to have a great ePub, which will be lodged with: Amazon’s Kindle, Apple’s iPad, Sony Reader, and Nook, and all the other recognised device vendors..
Know though, many simply convert their Word manuscript to a PDF and place that as an ePub. The quality of these ePubs is sub-standard. All of our ePubs are professionally laid out so the reader experience is a happy one.
A. We value your input, especially if you have creative flair, and so the answer is a definite yes.
A. We can and we do – also from 1 to 10 000 (refer to the page on Distribution).
A. We can help you design a marketing strategy that fits your genre of book, your budget, and how far afield you want to extend.
A. Yes we can, and do.
A. Yes. And with KDP ( Kindle Direct Publishing ) or what was Createspace.
A. We can write all your promotional material and content for you. It is wise to use our professional publicist do this for you. This includes the determining of metadata.
A. We can help you set up a Facebook campaign, a LinkedIn profile and a website, all with relevant content and populated with specific keywords and optimised metadata to attract interest for your subject matter. Once it is up and running we can train you on your continuing with it.
A. Yes we can, but it depends on the genre. Refer to the page on Distribution.
A. Certainly, as well as educational facilities.
To set up an appointment, email me on pat@heartspacepublications.com.