To whom it may concern  

I would recommend Pat to any writer interested in having their work edited and published by a professional organisation. 

The whole exercise was seamless and I was fully included in all aspects of the process from initial reviews and edits, through to final publication and re-prints. Decisions along the way were discussed and agreed with the advice and mentorship from Pat and his team. This was much appreciated by this first time author. 
Bob Donovan – Author of a Rearing Stallion – The history of the Port Melbourne Colts Football Club.

​A friend attended an exhibition over a year ago and kept one of Pat’s business cards, though at the time she had no idea why. It was one of those wonderful serendipitous moments in my life, as I was writing a book and I needed an editor/helper. She gave the card to me to contact Pat. 

On reflection, my level of writing skill was only average but with his help and guidance, the voice in the pages, together with the clarity of the message, steadily improved. I have found him extraordinarily dedicated and he has become both a friend and an extremely reliable mentor whom I would gladly recommend to anyone with writing ambitions and a desire to improve and broaden their ability and skill. 

No doubt they will find Pat, as I did, a gifted, innovative and committed individual who will nurture you through the process and simply make you a better writer. 
John Lovell – author of the books; From Fear to Love and Wealth Creation

My relationship with Pat began soon after writing the manuscript on my first book titled, The Power to Navigate Life. After the first draft was complete, Pat was recommended by a mutual friend, who Pat had also helped. 

Pat began work on editing the manuscript, stating it required several iterations to get it to commercial quality. From there, the completion of the manuscript was wrapped up over a few months. It was at this point I secured an international author, Dr. Eldon Taylor to write the foreword, which added value to the work. 

Pat’s commitment to the written word came through the editing process. I gained much as a writer collaborating with him. The progression from an idea to finished product flowed with ease. We worked together to create the cover design for the book. Pat allowed me to make most of the decisions that related to the creative of the book, while adding his professional advice. We are working on my follow up book and so far the process has been smooth sailing. 
Tony Fahkry, author of ‘The Power to Navigate Life, your journey to freedom’

Dear Pat and Shanie Grancioso, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the layout and copy. It might have taken time, but we have a product of which we can all be very proud.
Alexandra Levine – Author of The Deeper the Sorrow, the Stronger the Spirit

About Pat Grayson: I would encourage all budding writers to align themselves with Pat as he has a lifetime of knowledge and wisdom to share from the Publishing Industry; both as an Author, and a Publisher. He has a great ability to mentor up-and-coming writers. We all need support and encouragement when embarking on a career as a writer. This is crucial in the early stages of developing our manuscript, and Pat will be a great person to have on your side for this process. Good luck to you new author’s.
Medyhne Lebachen – author of ‘Hilhairyass Poems’.

Hi Pat, 

I would like to thank you for your great service. This book (Somalia) was my father’s first English book to be published and it was not going to be possible if it wasn’t for your help, patience and extensive support over a period of time. My Father and I would like to thank you for giving us your time and for being so informative. You have explained everything in great detail to eliminate any sort of confusion (we appreciated that). You were very helpful in every stage of the process and we are all happy with the end result, the book looks great and it could’ve not been done any better. Hope to work with you again in the near future. 
Thanks and regards, 
Asmahan, Daughter of Mohamed Ali Hamud, author of The Golden Years of Somalia

Testimonials from writing course participants say about Pat’s writing courses and mentor-ship (evaluations are anonymous): • Pat your inspiration is amazing • I have found my writing voice, thank you • I did not want the course to end • Beautifully flexible • Just right, encouraging, supportive and inspirational • If you run an advance course, count me in! • I truly liked the easy and non-confrontational manner in which the training was given • Your writing course was brilliant and has acted as a great push to get me started. It was definitely money well spent • Thank you for playing a part in firing my writing and creativity • The course was worth more than what I paid for it and my expectations were exceeded • Thank you so much for awakening the writer within me. You have a very easy style of teaching and the course flows extremely well. • I will definitely recommend your course as often as possible

Hi Pat, I thought the workshop was wonderful. Your encouragement to just let it flow and to stop creating our own obstacles was very encouraging. Feedback from the group was very positive. I would like to thank you myself as I feel that I have some tools to get started…now that I am a writer.
Cheers Host, 4 August 2013 Ballarat, Victoria Kerrie Jennings 0428 366 556

Hi Pat, Thank you for all your effort. You made a seemingly daunting task seem as easy as taking candy from a kid. Matthys Ferreria, author of “Journey from Within”

Thank you Pat!
This journey has been extraordinary for me and I cannot thank you enough for your patience and support in the manifestation of this book. You encouraged me to continue even when I thought my explanations were not good enough. You were instrumental with your advice in all aspects of the book, whether it be in English or American wording and with selecting the best price and the best printer for the printing. It took 4 years of dedication and I would not have this Tarot Distinction book in the physical world without your wisdom and guidance!  Love Ruanna xxxx
Ruanna Segal, author of Tarot Dynamics

Feng Ping
I used Pat for two of my books, Four legendary woman from ancient China and The secret under the mahogany tree. Although I am an academic (with a Ph.D.), living in China, my English writing needed attention. Pat worked tirelessly to edit it, so it is perfect for Western audience. He even ‘pushed’ me to become a better writer. I learnt a lot from him. The books are now happily published with Heartspace Publications. Thank you Pat for all your help, I am very appreciated.

I just wanted to thank you Pat for being so great to work with – you are wonderful, you are so calm and supportive and always take over and sort things for me when I’m feeling a little over my head! I’m still getting my head around this whole author book industry. So just wanted to say thank you and I appreciate you:)
Christina Kilminster; Passion, Fashion & heart, Discover the unique ways to feel fabulous in your skin.

Thanks Pat, you are making this an easy process! It’s enjoyable and very productive!
Luisa and Bianca Di Manno, Authors of “Common Sense”

I met Pat a few years ago and he agreed to review my manuscript, which was little more than a skeleton at that time. Pat saw potential in my writing skill, gained my respect to persevere throughout the process, provided a conducive learning environment, and remained dedicated, calm and supportive during times of doubt when I needed encouragement and guidance to reach the end of this journey, the published edition of my first book.  
Pat has many years of experience, and insight, as a writer and publisher, and patiently provided constructive criticism throughout the editing process, to ensure the final product was of high quality. He provided a one-to-one professional service of excellence, that was efficient, informative, and reasonably priced. 
Throughout the process Pat became a good friend and trusted mentor, who I am happy and privileged to recommend to budding and established authors, who passionately wish to improve and broaden their writing skill with an open heart and mind. You have nothing to lose and much to gain. 
Kripadhara (Kathy Burgum) Author – Celebrate Your Gold Within May 2020