In this day and age an “On-Line” presence is imperative, especially for unknown authors. Without an online presence you are unlikely to gain traction with your market. Social media platforms have emerged as the digital equivalents of “word of mouth,” which is still one of the most effective ways of marketing books.
Internet marketing, through various social media, complement your publicity and PR, helping to coordinate feedback and build direct connections with readers. Additionally, because the cost of exploiting the social media is the cheapest method, it is one of the easiest innovations to control and evaluate for cost-effectiveness.
How to be effective on Social Media1?
There are many ways for you to get that online exposure. Some of the current leading options are Facebook (as a blog or FB campaigns), a LinkedIn profile (plus advertising), Google Ad’s, YouTube and a well-designed website, where all are connected via an RSS feed. In all instances, the most important aspect is your content. Next comes presentation.
Sounds easy enough, but the social media platforms change about as often as the tide does – the same with Google algorithms. But do not worry as we can help you every step of the way, to either set you up, so you understand it, and then take it over, or even run your social media for you.
But why is Social media so important?
There are many reasons for the need for exposure, but the primary one is that with one new book being published every couple of seconds, you need to stand out. Social media allows you, in your most creative way, to do just that – stand out. For the book buying public to see you and your book amongst the crowd you have to be proactive.
There are other reasons, for instance larger publishers are always on the lookout for new books for their market and scan the net for books that seem to be selling well. They like to see authors who are active and who are creating a presence in the market place.
ePubs (electronic books)
ePubs are important as a way of gaining an understanding of your book’s potential success prior to having the cost of printing large quantities of the book. ePubs are more than PDF files and need proper coding to have a professional outcome.
Your social media will also promote your ePub and get you sales.
As with all aspects of electronic marketing, we have the expertise to guide you to a successful conclusion.
This is where most self-published authors struggle.
Writers Angel can assist by offering:
- Access to hundreds of distributors worldwide.
- Cost-effective printing.
- eCommerce Sales.
- PR reviews and interviews.
- Support to sell publishing rights to various countries.
- Creation of Advance Information Notifications (AI’s) and promotional material.
- ePubs on various content providers (iPad, iPhone, etc.).
- Social media and e-marketing.
By the end of this stage, you’ll have a finished manuscript that you can either:
- Publish yourself.
- Publish via a major publisher.